THANK YOU to everyone who chimed in on the first ever website poll!
Personally, I find website polls to be hit-or-miss – I prefer that a poll have a point (to gain reader feedback that will actually be used) rather than those that are just for fun (call me a party-pooper).
This poll definitely had a point, in that I wanted to see what 1WD readers were drinking on Thanksgiving this year, and also see what this highly non-scientific and possibly statistically specious poll had to say about the challenge of Thanksgiving dinner wine pairing recommendations in general.
Well, it had a point to me, anyway. And I thought it would be fun (and it is my blog, after all).
Anyway, here are The Results…
As you can see above, while a fair amount of you will be drinking Riesling (my personal fave Turkey Day pick) or aromatic Gewurztraminer, most of you picked a write-in category (“Other”) – which means that you thought the other poll answer options sucked, and/or you wanted to offer a more specific recommendation.
Which brings us to “Other” – here are the varied answers offered up in the write-in categor:
- A Rhone Red, A Spanish Red, A Cali Chard
- Cabernet Franc
- Zierfandler [editor’s note: wow!]
- The big winner at this year’s holiday party, believe it or not, was …Chianti.
- Pinot Noir
- Pinot and..maybe a Merlot maybe a Sparkling shiraz – definitely champers. [editor’s note: red sparkler… awesome… most interesting pick by far!]
Cheval Blanc, it was getting on in age so we’re going to pull it out. [editor’s note: Can I come over for that?]
- hard cider (sparkling)
- falanghina [editor’s note: I had to look this one up!]
- Blaufrankisch
- Pinot Noir, of course! [editor’s note: okay, okay, I get the point already…]
- still a month to go until the REAL Turkey Day here in the UK [editor’s note: yes, but do you also get to watch American football on the same day? thought not…]
- Champagne Beyatches!!!!! [editor’s note: my personal favorite response]
- Reisling [sic] AND Pinot Noir
There you have it. The people have spoken, and on Turkey Day, they want variety! They also want Pinot Noir.
Whatever you’re drinking this Thanksgiving day, I wish you a happy, safe, and enjoyable time with it!
Fun post :)
Thanks! It was fun for me, anyway ;-) .
I ended up drinking a Riesling that was “pretty good” and a nice rose from Provence with turkey…