What do you do when you and your spouse / significant other /favorite pet / whatever find yourselves double-booked for holiday party engagements? If you’re me, you declare defeat, play holiday party hooky and instead grab three bottles from the samples stash and go out for a “date night” dinner alone to reconnect. That’s what…
Tag: wine review
Taste NY: Finger Lakes Riesling Showdown and a Question of Price
Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of dining with fellow wine-geek and wine-blogger David McDuff and his wife at the center of my Asian-fusion culinary universe, Teikoku. Aside from generally enjoying each other’s collective company, our get-together had another purpose, which was to (finally, yes, finally) sample some of the wines sent to us…
First Things First (Inaugural Releases From Prime and Black Cloud)
One of the perks of wine blogging is that you have no editor. Actually, you do have an editor, it’s just that the editor is often the same person as the principal writer, reporter, photographer, website designer, webmaster, and tech support person. Of course, not having an editor is also a curse, but that’s fodder…
What We Drank When I Got Fired
Technically, I wasn’t fired, I was laid off. Also, it won’t happen for another 14 months. And I wanted to get laid off so that I could collect a really nice severance package and take a sabbatical for a few months after it was all over, de-stress, and pursue the wine angle full-time for a…