recently (at least I think it was recently, as their posts for reasons unknown to me aren’t dated) ran an interview with SF Chronicle wine editor Jon Bonné (long-time readers will recall that roughly a year ago I was on a panel about writing better opinion pieces with Jon and the Wall Street Journal’s…
Tag: wine criticism
Robert Parker And California: A Cautionary Tale
The topic is old news now, and while revisiting it runs the risk of sounding a late-to-the-party bell with overtones of “me, too!,” I do think I can offer you something new on the latest (and largest) piece of wine biz news. I’m speaking of the news last week of uber-wine-critic Robert Parker passing on…
Going Pro: How To Taste and Rate Wines for Today’s Consumers. Sort of.
Welcome to the first installment of Going Pro – what (I hope!) will be a (very) long series chronicling my foray into making whatever-the-hell-it-is that I do here a professional (read: paying) endeavor. Every Wednesday on, I’ll be writing about some aspect / story / triumph / tragedy related to taking my passion –…
Brave New World (or “Do We Really Need Wine Experts Anymore?”)
Just over one month ago, I was quoted in an (excellent and well-written) article by Spencer Bailey of the Columbia Journalism Review, titled “Everyone’s the Wine Expert: Wine critics and bloggers, professional and amateur, are mixed up in a social media web.” At the time, the CJR article was (rightfully) the subject of interesting and…