It feels strange being able to settle at home and pop open a Flying Dog brewski only a few short hours after the 2011 Wine Bloggers Conference, the last three installments having taken place on the Left Coast and thus requiring a not-insubstantial amount of travel to attend for us Right Coasters. This year’s shindig…
Tag: wine blog awards 2011
Born Digital: Some Of Our Children Are Ugly (What Wine Writing Awards Mean)
The ugly child to which I refer in the title being me, of course. Hey, even in the on-line wine writing world, not all of those who are “born digital” can be handsome, I’m afraid. I recently (ok, somewhat recently – times are busy, people!) ”took the bronze” in the 2010 Born Digital Wine Awards,…
Wine Blog Awards 2011: Nominate For Good Karma
Ok, I cannot, as the title suggests, guarantee the receipt of good karma if you participate in the nomination process for the 2011 Wine Blog Awards. As I understand those things, only Deepak Chopra has the power to do that. But nominating might make you feel good, both in terms of having your voice heard…