Who’s a Big Winner today? YOU’RE a Big Winner today. No doubt that the wide world of wine media is awash in well-weathered year-end recaps (not too mention consonation!), with thoughts about the wines and wine-related happenings of a 2009 that has nearly gone by. While I enjoy the year-end recap thoughts as much as…
Tag: wine appreciation
When Good Wines Go Bad: A Closer Look at Wine Flaws at Corkd.com
Put your high-school chemistry goggles on (you know, safety is paramount, right?) and join me today on Corkd.com for a look at the wine flaws. I’ve been asked by Cork’d to contribute to their Cork’d Content feature, which showcases original content from different wine bloggers each day on a variety of wine topics, with the…
Leaving The Nest: Zen Wine On Wine Biz Radio
A hearty shout-out to Randy and Kaz, the hosts of the excellent KVSY radio program and on-line podcast Wine Biz Radio, were very kind in mentioning and discussing my recent post on how to better appreciate wine despite the light-speed pace of how we consumers tend to evaluate our purchases these days. The WBR podcast…
Zen Wine: The Death of Wine Multitasking (via Chuck Norris)
As much as social media wine wizards and millennials rail against established wine media, most of them (myself included) share with those ‘old media’ types a similar and mistake-prone approach to wine evaluation and appreciation. And that is, the rapid-fire assessment, review, and perfunctory judgment of any given wine. We are judge, jury and executioner…