Hereby marketh the fourth installment of the Weekly Wine Quiz! Based on feedback from ever-so-vocal-and-intelligent YOU, I will not be supplying the answer directly in the post – you will need to tune back in later in the comments section for the answer. So you can put your answer in the comments for potential bragging…
Weekly Wine Quiz: When It Comes To Bubbly, Do You Know Your Letters?
Continuing our Champagne theme for the Weekly Wine Quiz, we’ve got a relatively tough question queued up this week. Let’s see which of you Champers fans really knows his or her (or, if you’re a hermaphrodite, his AND her) stuff… When It Comes To Bubbly, Do You Know Your Letters? Champagne production is one of the…
Weekly Wine Quiz: Vintage-Schmintage!
Today marks the second installment of the Weekly Wine Quiz. Based on feedback from last week’s quiz posting, I will not be supplying the answer directly in the post – you will need to tune back in later in the comments section for the answer. So you can put your answer in the comments for…
Getting All Juiced For 2012
I’m very happy to tell you that I’ll be providing the weekly wine Quiz in The Juice newsletter, a customizable update on wine events distributed by the venerable The first month’s quizzes will focus on trivia about Champagne, in the hopes that it will help lighten the serious hangover that the stuff gave you…