Well… whose ratings should a wine drinker pay attention to? Or, stated with a tad more more grammatical correctness (warning: sounding-like-douche-bag-potential alert!), To Whose Ratings Should A Wine Drinker Pay More Attention? An American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) working paper with that tile was just released, though, interestingly, it doesn’t actually answer the question. …
Tag: going pro in the wine business
1WineDude TV Episode 38: Why The Argument Against Wine And Social Media Is Illogical (Getting’ Groovy With Cruvee)
Part of me is really just sick and tired of making this argument… but what the hell, let’s throw more kindling on the fire and talk about why saying social media isn’t for wineries because “the brand is too small,” or “it takes too much time because we’re really farmers and we’re too busy,” or…
Being Able To Describe A Wine Does NOT Make You Awesome
If I told you what it takes to reach the highest high, You’d laugh and say “Nothing’s that simple!” – from “I’m Free” (Tommy, The Who – 1969) The following commentary is not an easy one to write, because whenever one talks about something that they do, they run the risk of appearing immodest, or…
The Hopeless Quest To Define Wines Of True Character (Or “Screw The Ratings, Even Mine”)
Roughly two months ago, in the follow-on discussions on a feature on the wines of Lodi producer Matt Powell, a reader named Olivier chimed on with some though-provoking questions, the kind that, for me, define the 1WD readership because they exponentially increase the value of the content on this little ol’ website. The discussion was…