I get my fair share of wine samples, with a large proportion coming from California. This is due mostly to proximity (regional wines), as well as the fact that the CA makes the vast majority of U.S. wine, hence the large number of CA samples stopping on my doorstep. Most of those CA samples come…
Tag: California wine
Size Matters (Tackling A Faust 2006 Double Magnum)
Just when you think that the topic of wine is starting to make sense and really come together for you, you’ll probably encounter the convention of naming large format wine bottles. That should put you firmly back in your lowly place, since the convention of naming bottle sizes carries on the storied wine tradition of…
Whence Cometh Napa Cabernet?
Today I’ll be starting my week-long Napa excursion (the itinerary of which I’d hoped to have posted today, but since all those West Coast hippies are so damn laid back, as of the time of this writing my schedule still isn’t totally finalized… if I’d been dealing with uptight, anally-retentive East Coast types I would…
Men Should Not Wear Cowboy Hats, and A Vision of Thomas Keller as A Psychopath (Tasting Rocca Vineyards Cab)
I’m sorry, but someone had to say it. Men should not wear cowboy hats. Well, most men shouldn’t wear cowboy hats. They’re not cool. Cowboy hats look cool on approximately 0.002% of the U.S. population, and most of those are women, so sorry guys – chances are you are not in that population subset. As…