As most regular 1WD readers know, I’m not much for classic reporting-style articles. In fact, to me the choice between writing a “such-and-such took place on Monday and so-and-so was honored with a whozy-whatsit for their work on the whatcha-ma-jigger” piece or a “let me tell you what I think about X…” piece – namely,…
Tag: California wine
Robert Parker And California: A Cautionary Tale
The topic is old news now, and while revisiting it runs the risk of sounding a late-to-the-party bell with overtones of “me, too!,” I do think I can offer you something new on the latest (and largest) piece of wine biz news. I’m speaking of the news last week of uber-wine-critic Robert Parker passing on…
The Vintage From Hell? More Dispatches From The Vineyard
Remember how the Northern California 2010 vintage was kind of “difficult?” Oh, right, it’s impossible to avoid that news lately… not that I’m complaining, mind you (it’s better to have a bit too much wine coverage than too little!), nor am I trying to minimize or make light of the plight and hardship faced by…
Napa’s Wild Weather Summer: Dispatches from the Vineyard
“Strange year!” That’s the (apt) summary that winemaker and grower Steve Matthiasson gave me when I asked him how things were looking in Napa as they approached harvest of what has been one of the craziest growing seasons in recent memory. There’s been much speculation in the wine press as to the impact that the…