Welcome to the Weekly Wine Quiz! This week, we use wine to dabble in the lifestyles of the historically rich and famous. [ Standard disclaimer: I supply a quiz question each week, but *not* the quiz answer (at least not right away). You supply your best guess as to that answer in the comments, and…
Tag: 1winedude
What One Wine Represents Your Generation? (Judging The 2013 Argentina Wine Awards)
This coming February, I’ll be representing Team USA in the 2013 Argentina Wine Awards. No, I won’t be performing on the parallel bars – I’ll be the sole U.S. judge on an international panel that includes writers, sommeliers, and other geeky wine folk from China, Brazil, Australia, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Mexico, Canada, Switzerland and…
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For November 26, 2012
So, like what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible reviews of currently available…
Weekly Wine Quiz: Post Turkey Day Hangover Edition
Welcome to the Weekly Wine Quiz, fresh off a Thanksgiving turkey-gorging binge. Roll yourself out of your easy chair and take a stab at this week’s wine mind-bender, so you can feel as though you accomplished something after your run-in with stuffing and pumpkin pie. Standard disclaimer: I supply the quiz question, but *not* quiz…