This is not just the final shot in terms of my coverage of the event, but literally the event’s “final shot” – below is the group photograph that we took at the conclusion of the 2010 Professional Wine Writers Symposium, with the attendees, speakers, and panel members lined up outside of the conference area at…
Tag: 1winedude
The Most Beautiful Wine Cellars In The World
In the music industry, we call it G.A.S. As in, Gear Acquisition Syndrome – a desire to acquire more basses, guitars, whatever, usually brought on by exposure to an awesome instrument pick up made by an acquaintance. In my “spare time” I run a social network for bass guitarists, so I have a lot of…
3 Reasons Why YOU Should Get a Wine Certification (A Tale from Remote Kenya)
The March issue of Sommelier Journal is dedicated to the topic of wine education, and (as always) is well worth a read for wine pros and serious wine geeks alike. It contains a great follow-up article by Master Sommelier Tim Gaiser on the current status of the wine certification landscape, so the issue got me…
Do You Take Wine Notes? (Giveaway! 33 Bottles of Wine Pocket Notebook Edition)
Well… do ya? We’ve got another nifty giveaway this week (this time courtesy of Scout Books) to help stimulate some stimulating conversation about taking detailed wine tasting notes. The thing is, I don’t do it. I know. I suck. Seriously, though, I don’t take copious notes when it comes to tasting wine. At massive tastings…