Special Report from the Inebriated Press Pennsylvania Governor-elect Tom Corbett today issued a public plea to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board to “immediately and indefinitely suspend” its plans to expand grocery store installations statewide of its new wine kiosk dispensers. Corbett wants all activity on the PLCB kiosk machines shut down “until allegations of the…
Tag: 1winedude
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini Reviews Round-Up for 2010-11-05
08 Dry Creek Vineyard Foggy Oaks Chardonnay (Russian River Valley): Heck of a 1st release. Screamin acidity keeps the vanilla in check $20 B -> 07 Rodney Strong Symmetry (Alexander Valley): Like some kind of extraterrestrial fig pie mothership sent to Earth to be your overlord $55 B+ -> 08 Hanzell Vineyards Sebella Chardonnay (Sonoma…
Yes, I Went All Cartoon On You (New Digs at 1WD)
What can I say, the ladies dig cartoon versions of bloggers, okay? In all seriousness, I wanted a cleaner, more open, more inviting, bit more up-to-date and, dare-I-say professional design for 1WineDude.com, and the result is what you see before you. Unless you’re reading via your RSS reader in which case I have a special…
Going Pro: How To Taste and Rate Wines for Today’s Consumers. Sort of.
Welcome to the first installment of Going Pro – what (I hope!) will be a (very) long series chronicling my foray into making whatever-the-hell-it-is that I do here a professional (read: paying) endeavor. Every Wednesday on 1WineDude.com, I’ll be writing about some aspect / story / triumph / tragedy related to taking my passion –…