Ah, the holidays; time for family, friends, and overindulgence!
The latter, almost certainly, is the cause of your red wine headache, by the way.
In any case, that evil cranial pain some of you experience after drinking red wine almost certainly is not the result of a sulfites allergy. Seriously… statistically, the most likely reason that you have a headache is because you’re HUNGOVER.
I go into the specifics of this – and many other likely causes (and non-causes) of legitimate red wine headaches, in my latest article for Fix.com. If you suffer from the dreaded RWH (or know someone who does), hopefully this article can help you understand, mitigate, or even avoid getting a RWH.
And as we’re heading up to the close of 2016, and the subsequent imbibing that often comes with new year’s celebrations, I’m guessing that some of you might find this one handy (along with my previous tips on how to mitigate your hangover).
You’re welcome…
The way-cool infographic version of the article (complete with chemical formulations!) is included below after the jump.
Cheers – and watch your intake!
Source: Fix.com Blog