Most readers will already be aware that my fellowship to last week’s 2010 Professional Wine Writers Symposium was underwritten by Franciscan. As part of the fellowship award, Franciscan invited me to a private tasting and interview with Janet Myers, the wine director who also handles winemaking duties at Mt. Veeder. Janet is a geek,…
Putting the OLD in Old Vine Zinfandel (Tasting Wellington Vineyards)
When it’s cold outside, as it has been the last few weeks in the Mid-Atlantic, one craves a wine that is… warming, big, bold. When there’s a blizzard, as there was in the Mid-Atlantic not too long ago, one doesn’t reach for Orvieto; one reaches for something, well, just… obnoxious. Bone-warming wine calls for dark…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2010-02-20
95 Dalla Valle Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley): Rarely, words are inadequate to convey a wine's sublime & heavenly balancing act. $350 A+ # 81 Trefethen Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley): Spice & barnyard suggest its previous potential, now thoroughly dead. (Price N/A) C # 07 William Hill Chardonnay (Napa Valley): A deftly balanced take on the…
The 2010 Wine Writers Symposium in 10 Easily Digestible & Tasty Morsels
Alternative title: “What I Learned (So Far) At the 2010 Professional Wine Writers Symposium in Napa” Symposium Chairperson and Wines & Vines editor Jim Gordon, may, in fact, be the sweetest and most patient person on the planet (there remains one more day of symposium activities in which to properly test this theory). The amount…