On April 6, I’ll be part of a roundtable wine industry panel discussing “strategies for building wine brand loyalty” among what has to be one of the most fickle (and largest) group of wine consumers ever to swipe credit cards in exchange for vinous experiences: the oft-discussed (and more often misunderstood) Millennials. The panel is…
Robert Parker And California: A Cautionary Tale
The topic is old news now, and while revisiting it runs the risk of sounding a late-to-the-party bell with overtones of “me, too!,” I do think I can offer you something new on the latest (and largest) piece of wine biz news. I’m speaking of the news last week of uber-wine-critic Robert Parker passing on…
Love Stories, Wine By Wine (Reviewing “Every Wine Tells A Story”)
Occasionally in the wine media world one gets asked to contribute to articles, news stories, wine lists and wine picks. I’ve done this several times (recently for Sommelier Journal, for example) because I like to help people out if I can, and when it comes to Going Pro it doesn’t hurt to have your name…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini Reviews Round-Up For February 12, 2011
NV Greater Purpose White Label Red (Dry Creek Valley): VG red for a VG charity. On the jammy side but will rock with grilled burgers. $18 B # NV Greater Purpose Black Label Red (Dry Creek Valley): A tale of 2 edges, 1 jammy fruit, the other tough tannin. Live by the sword… $18 B-…