Quick quiz for you: How many times can you listen to a winery’s PR guy mention Robert Parker scores before you want to shove wine barrel bungs into your ears to drown out all sound? For me, the answer is “somewhere around 25 times,” which is about the amount I endured in the impressive underground…
1WineDudeTV Episode 33: Does Long-term Appeal Matter In Wine Writing?
In this episode, I drink expensive bubbly, muse on the Royal Wedding, wax pseudo-philosophic about the Georges Duboeuf Wine Book of the Year Awards, and pose the questions: What does “long-term appeal” mean to YOU when it comes to wine writing? And do you think it even matters? Shout it out in the comments! Enjoy!…
New Wine Column Hits The Global Interwebs (or “Holy Crap, Jeff Lefevere is writing for Forbes.com!!!”)
HOLY CRAP! And I mean that in the best possible way, which is to say that it’s not the same “holy crap!” that I exclaim when our recently-acquired rescue “dog” (dog is in quotes because he’s closer in size to a small horse) dumps on our carpet every other day. No, this is the kind…
Do You Care About Wine Yeasts? (Crowd-Sourcing Wine Learning)
Last week, I wondered aloud (on twitter) whether or not anyone out there cares if a winery uses cultured yeasts instead of wild yeasts. The feedback from the twitterati is included below after the jump (if you chimed in already via twitter, your response may be listed for all of the 1WD faithful to see…