Whatever you like to drink. End of discussion. Seriously. Look, no wine really goes all that well with processed candy anyway. So why not do what a lot of people in my ‘hood do: grab a bottle or two of decent white vino, several beers, and convert one of your kids’ pull carts into a…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini Reviews Round-Up For October 22, 2011
Uhm, like what is this stuff? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine sample tasting notes via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be fun, quickly-and-easily-digestible reviews. Below is a wrap-up of the twitter reviews from the past week…
Drunk Driving Down. WAY Down. But Don’t Pop The Bubbly Just Yet!
The irrepressible Tom Johnson reported recently on Louisville Juice that according to the CDC drunk driving in the U.S. continues its steep decline – to the tune of a 30% drop in self-reported annual drinking and driving episodes since 2006. Tom goes on to say that “fatalities related to drinking and driving have dropped nearly…
High And Dry: Making Sweet Vin Santo (Wine) Love In Chianti
So… remember that little bottle of Vin Santo that I lugged back from Castello di Volpaia (with a not-insignificant amount of help from the VinniBag) during my post-Summer vacation in Tuscany? Well, it remembers you. Ok, not really – that would be pretty spooky, wouldn’t it? Like that goldfish in the bowl that was tormenting…