So, like what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible reviews of currently available…
Weekly Wine Quiz: Pressing Matters
Welcome to the Weekly Wine Quiz! Based on feedback from ever-so-vocal-and-intelligent peeps like you, I supply the quiz question each week, but do *not* supply the quiz answer directly in the post – YOU supply the answer in the comments. You can then to tune back in later today in the comments section for the…
“Measured And Forceful”: Bodega Contador Recent Releases (And Whether Or Not A $400 Wine Should Evoke Place)
“Lento y fuerte.” This is how Benjamin Romeo – possibly Rioja’s most celebrated modern winemaker since his 2004 Contador red wine received a 100 point score from The Wine Advocate – described how he speaks. Measured and forceful. Which, it turns out, is a perfect descriptor for most of Romeo’s wines, as well as for…
1WineDude TV Episode 51: On Wine Reviews
Today, I thank YOU for being you and putting up with my freakish take on wine reviews, I make good on losing a bet, and I ramble a bit about why wine reviews aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. This one’s raw, but it’s from the heart. So watch, if you’re so inclined, and…