In what has become an annual tradition within a tradition (which I suppose makes it some sort of Postmodern meta-tradition?), I’ve once again used my band’s appearance at the annual Summer Solstice music festival as an excuse to sneak in some “work.” The work, such as it is, involves grabbing samples of wine in alternative…
Wine + Digital: If This Doesn’t Blow Your Mind, You’re Not Paying Enough Attention
My friend Paul Mabray, of Vintank, recently gave a keynote address at an event held in Dijon, France, called “The Perfect Storm: How digital tools are forever changing the way we sell and market wine.” I didn’t attend (alas), and I’ve no affiliation with the event apart from a random one: its organizer (another friend,…
Monday Mini Wine Reviews Round-Up For July 2, 2012
So, like what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine sample tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible. Below is a wrap-up of the twitter reviews…
Weekly Wine Quiz: Prepare For Battle!
Welcome to the Weekly Wine Quiz! Based on feedback from ever-so-vocal-and-intelligent peeps like you, I do not supply the quiz answer directly in the post – you will need to tune back in later in the comments section for the answer. Which once again might be delayed, since this week I’m on the road in…