First off, for this video you’re going to need to pour yourself a glass of perky Furmint and queue up CCR’s “Green River” (BRAAAWHHHHWWWWW…. brahw-wahw-wahw-wahw-whaw-WHAW!). That’s because from a rainy day, with nice people, fine wine, and a backdrop that’s a fisherman’s wet dream (get it?… ok, whatever…) comes the next installment of my Tokaj Furmint Adventures, a trip to Kvaszinger Winery (for the whole round-up of FurmintUSA jaunt vids and articles, see

In this episode, we meet the young but impressive László Kvaszinger, whose passion for taking the family wine business to the next level with dry Furmint saw him give up a finance biz career in Budapest in favor of life of the vine. Also, I attempt to row a boat in the rain, which is almost as comical as watching me try to play basketball. Enjoy!
Furmint Adventures – Episode 8: Kvaszinger Winery
Oh, and finally – a quick shout out to my friend Elin McCoy, who gave props to dry Furmint and Tokaj in her recent Bloomberg column.