Today, we take a brief break from talking about wine as art, and instead talk briefly about wine as art subject.
I get contacted by many people with wine product ideas who would like a shot at getting their wares featured or reviewed on the virtual pages here. A not-insignificant percentage of those products find their way into a heap in my basement, either proving to be too useless, too frustrating, or aesthetically disastrous enough not to make the cut.
A pleasant exception is “PROST” by self-taught pointillism (remember George Seurat from art class, folks?) artist Elizabeth Bollwitt.
I’ve never met Bollwitt, and was unaware of her work, but she’s a 1WD fan and sent me a poster print of her “PROST” painting, shown inset above. I absolutely loved it at first cardboard-tube-opening-and-unraveling. Personally, I despise art that is obviously descriptive, preferring more abstract interpretations that give the viewer at least some means of participation in completing the experience of witnessing what the art is attempting to do/convey/capture. So for me, Rockwell (despite the obvious talent) is pure and total hell, while Nude Descending a Staircase is genius oft he highest friggin’ order. No surprise then that I would be drawn to Bollwitt’s deft use of the pointillism technique, and the colorfully abstract rendering of an overly-enthusiastic, drunken “cheers!” moment.
According to her website, canvas reproduction of Bollwitt’s “PROST” will be on display at V. Sattui Winery in Napa Valley, so if you’re in the area I’d suggest checking it out (or just order yourself a reprint on poster or canvas, if you find yourself compelled to hang it up in your home, as I did).
Beautiful art! I love how it captures a sense of motion, and the bright colors speak to the rich flavors.
Thank you, Cigar Inspector… The fluidity is a swishy/motion thing that I like to use. It takes off the rough edges, lends to distortion and blends imperfections. This seems to be the one aspect that catches the most attention.
CI – agreed :)