Ladies and gentle-guzzlers… I’m pleased to announce that will be hosting Wine Blogging Wednesday #75 (holy crap! seventy-five?!??) on Wednesday March 21st! The entire idea behind WBW is to get YOU involved, tasting, and talking – so please share and retweet the living hell out of this because it’s only going to be as…
Category: wine tasting
Worlds Collide In New Wine-Related Music Vid (And YOU Can Win Some Free Tunes!)
The first thing most people over the age of twenty-five think of when you ask them to name a song about wine is probably UB40’s Red Red Wine, which is ironic because they’re all totally drinking beer in the vid for that tune. In a similarly ironic case of music-meets-wine creative worlds colliding, the band…
Are You Drinking Wine, Or Just Squashing Grapes?
Today we will speak of current NFL coaches, former baseball catching stars, and Jedi Master Yoda. And wine – almost forgot about the wine… See, I’ve been getting a little bit of flak over how publicly I’ve worn my NFL team allegiance colors on 1WD. And so, true to form, I’m going to go deeper…
Not Just Riesling Country: The Finger Lakes’ Case for Cool Climate Reds
“They already got themselves a woodchuck today.” Sam Argetsinger was leading a slow but determined downhill walking pace, flanked by his two dogs who had done the woodchuck hunting before we’d arrived. He is stout, and affable, and his wide smile accentuates a face of weathered features. Sam’s vineyard is small, relatively steep, and on…