Given that the Southern Hemisphere, whose “reversed” seasons give their winemakers a leg up on vintage releases, already have 2009s hitting the wine store shelves, it’s not too early to call the 2009 vintage for Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc a strong one. I won’t go so far to protest 2009 as excellent for all of New…
Category: wine review
Should Start Using Wine Ratings? Have Your Say!
Yes, I am actually going there. No, I don’t expect everyone to like it, which is why I am asking you what you think about it. Here’s the skinny: What It Is A grade I would give any wine reviewed on (and on the mini-wine review twitter feed). The grade would follow the ‘report…
The Top 10 Most Interesting Wines of 2009
Here we go again. It is… that time. That time when I present the Top 10 Most Interesting Wines of the Year. Although I tried last year to set proper expectations around this year end recap of tasty vino, that didn’t stop my Top 10 Most Interesting Wines of 2008 list from being used…
Of Spouses, Samples and 92-Point Flawed Wines
What do you do when you and your spouse / significant other /favorite pet / whatever find yourselves double-booked for holiday party engagements? If you’re me, you declare defeat, play holiday party hooky and instead grab three bottles from the samples stash and go out for a “date night” dinner alone to reconnect. That’s what…