Ok, It’s (probably) not what you’re thinking. What I wanted to do today was highlight the versatility of Argentine Malbec – not just because it’s capable of delivering more than the tongue-coating, savory inkiness of a dry red that we’re used to, but also because I’m kind of all-Malbeced-out from my South American jaunt, and…
Category: wine review
Get Off Your Duff And Turn The Towels Teal For Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month!
The important part about Turning The Towels Teal is that you can do some good just by drinking wine, which I’m pretty sure most of you reading will agree is the coolest helping-out-a-good-cause activity variant. Throughout September (Ovarian Cancer Awareness month), Frederick Wildman and Sons will be donating $.50 of the U.S. sales of every…
What We Drank When Our Neighbors Betrayed Us
Okay… so technically our neighbors didn’t betray us. It just feels that way. By any conservative measurement, we (my family at “Chateau Dude,” that is) have the greatest neighbors on the face of the planet. Correction: had. Our neighbors are moving away from us, those backstabbers! Okay… so technically they’re not backstabbers, and we’re just…
The Riesling Doctor Is IN And He Will Kick Cabernet’s Butt Almost Any Day (12Most.com’s Most Fabulous Wines For Under $20)
The Riesling Doctor is most certainly IN, and his rates are dirt cheap. So goes the thinking (and tendency towards terrible, terrible puns) behind my contribution to an article titled “12 Most Fabulous Wines To Enjoy Now For Under $20,” coordinated by my friend Marie Payton and published at the popular site 12Most.com last week….