So… about this whole “book” thing… I’ve got an update for ya! I’m in the final sprint to finalizing the new book. Technically, it’s actually two books, which will all make more sense when I get the OK to share titles, covers, and the like. For now, the first rule of Book Club has to…
Category: wine books
Why We Still Need Dead Trees (August 2019 Wine Product Review Bonus Edition)
The virtual ink is barely dry on the previous edition of a wine product review roundup, and yet I find myself compelled to offer yet another (consider it a bonus?) roundup for the month of August, with the pending release of the 8th Edition of The World Atlas of Wine (Octopus Publishing, 416 pages, about…
Finding, Collecting, Drinking And… Marketing! (May 2018 Wine Product Review Round-up)
It has been quite a good long while since we did a product round-up here on 1WD, and judging by the size of the pile of wine books samples in my office, it’s now high-time that we rectify that. Either that, or I’m going to have a hospital bill in my future after tripping on…
Pocket Full Of Passion (October 2018 Wine Product Roundup)
It’s time once again for Ye Olde Wine Product Review Roundup, in which I turn my critical Sauron-like eye towards wine-related samples that are (usually) inedible. We’re back to hitting the books this month, because, well, I have a sh*t ton of wine book samples piling up at 1WD HQ. Like, seriously, I am tripping…