Hey folks – considering that this is a holiday week here in the USA, and considering that it happens to be Dude’s personal favorite holiday (Thanksgiving), and considering that I still consider myself on paternity leave… This post is a short one, and really just an excuse to share a fairly recent baby picure, BUT……
Category: wine appreciation
Certifiably Certifiable (Talking Wine Certifications For SevenFifty Daily)
I was recently asked by my friend Lana Bortolot for a quick interview, to help contribute to a piece she was writing about the value (or lack thereof) of certifications in the wine biz. Lana’s work has subsequently been published in a well-researched and well-considered article, SevenFifty Daily’s Guide to Wine Education. My dime-store-level philosophizing…
Cold And Quiet (How To Open Sparkling Wine At PartSelect.com)
I’ve done a lot of fun work with the folks at Fix.com, and they have a couple of sister websites to which they asked me to contribute. My latest for them is available over at their PartSelect.com blog: a primer on how to properly chill and open sparkling wine. Some of you might be rolling…
Your Memory Sucks Donkey Bong (Or, “On The Importance Of Tasting Notes”)
Because I am divorcing someone at fault, I have been on the receiving end of revisionist history, even when it seeks to conform to a false, self-serving narrative of cognitive dissonance. It turns out, however, that revisionism towards an agenda of mollifying cognitive dissonance (“yeah, I did that nasty sh*t, but I am different and…