07 Whitehaven Sauvignon Blanc (Malborough, NZ): Grapefruit & lemongrass on the nose, but it’s tropical passion fruit on the tongue. VG stuff # 05 Rued Cabernet Sauvignon (Dry Creek Valley): Like a girl wearing sexy lingerie, only it’s She-Hulk & she’s trying to smash your face in. # 06 Veranda San Alfonso Cabernet-Carmenere (Maipo Valley):…
Category: twitter
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2009-03-07
07 Waters Crest Chardonnay (North Folk, LI): Delicate tropical fruit & creme brulee. Careful – the livin’ sh*t has been oaked outta this! # 05 Marc Kreydenweiss Kritt Pinot Blanc “Les Charmes” (Alsace): Citrus & pear, w/ a honeyed finish that seems to last for an hour. Great buy. # 06 Domaine Pierre Morey Aligoté…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2009-02-28
NV Barefoot Bubbly Brut Cuvee (CA): You could do a lot worse in a sparkler for <$10. Apple dominates. Refreshing, and very uncomplicated. # 06 Waters Crest Cabernet Franc Reserve (North Folk, LI): Tangy blackberries on wet grass. With a side of green peppers. But a little too $$. # 06 Washington Hills Cabernet Sauvignon…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2009-02-21
06 Chateau Fuisse Le Clos (Pouilly-Fuisse): Rich & oaky Chard. Set your alarm, you may need it to wake you up when the finish finally stops! # 05 Nicolas Potel Volnay Vieilles Vignes (Volnay): Berry cobbler w/ bacon. A finish so smooth, you could slip on it. But it sure ain’t free. # 05 JJ…