Veuve Clicquot Brut “Yellow Label” (Champagne): Well-balanced green apples and yeasty bread, & still quite worthy of the heady reputation. # 07 Rosa D’Oro Muscat Canelli (Lake COunty, CA): Intense lemon, green grape, & blistering citrus acid that just screams for a crab salad. # 07 Rosa D’Oro Sangiovese (Lake County, CA): Nice balance of…
Category: twitter
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2009-04-04
07 ZD Chardonnay (Napa): A buttery vanilla muffin w/ pineapple jam. If that doesn’t sound appealing, then you’d better stay far, far away. # 07 Estancia Chardonnay (Monterey): Very easy-going, like a bowl yogurt with tropical fruits mixed in. An oak bowl, that is. # 07 Recanati “Yasmin” Red Mevushal (Jezreel): Kosher Israeli Bord’x blend….
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2009-03-28
07 Sebeka Shiraz Pinotage “Cape Blend” (Western Cape, SA): Jammy red fruit w/ just enough game-meat funk to keep things from getting boring. # 07 Sebeka Chardonnay (Western Cape, SA): Uncomplicated mix of melons & pear. A great option for mid-day party fare for the price point. # 05 Recanati Reserve Petite Sirah / Zinfandel…
Weekly Twitter Wine Mini-Reviews Round-up for 2009-03-21
07 Willakenzie Estate Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley): Tough vintage & it shows. Classic OR is there, but is subdued by oak. Needs time. # 06 Gainey Vineyards Pinot Noir (Santa Rita Hills): Like a smoked wood basket full of just about every red berry in the brier patch. # 06 Sonoma Coast Peterson Vineyard Pinot…