Well, if not physically, then run away with me virtually, through the magic of the “Global Interweb.” Or whatever you crazy young cats are calling it these days! Regular readers of this blog might recall that I’ve previously lamented the general lack of quality, easy-to-find Spanish & Portuguese wines in my area of the U.S….
Category: pennsylvania
Wine Events: Wine on the Deck @ Teikoku Restaurant!
Another (sort of) rare event plug here on 1WineDude.com – I don’t do these plugs too often, so when I do, it’s because I think that the event is really going to be cool. And in this case, I think the cool potential is very high: I personally know the two people selecting and pouring…
A Pennsylvania (Wine) Revolution (Penns Woods Wine Tasting)
A shot has been fired in the world of Pennsylvania winemaking. And it’s a portent of a revolution in how wines are made in PA – and for that matter, how wines are made in all of the East Coast U.S. wine regions. A bold statement? You bet. But I mean every word of it….
Penns Wood Winery Event @ Teikoku Restaurant
I don’t normally plug events here at 1WineDude.com, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give some press to this shin-dig, because I am totally into what both this restaurant and this winemaker are doing. NOTE: The following is a Philly-area event (much apologies to my Left Coast and International readers!). Teikoku is serving…