There’s one thing you need to know about Paso Robles wine country. It can get hot. And I’m not talking about the Summertime temperatures, or even the Indian-Summertime temperatures, which had busted through the 100F mark not too long before my visit to Paso in October. No, I’m talking about the wines. After tasting through…
Category: overachiever wines
Get Off Your Duff And Turn The Towels Teal For Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month!
The important part about Turning The Towels Teal is that you can do some good just by drinking wine, which I’m pretty sure most of you reading will agree is the coolest helping-out-a-good-cause activity variant. Throughout September (Ovarian Cancer Awareness month), Frederick Wildman and Sons will be donating $.50 of the U.S. sales of every…
The Riesling Doctor Is IN And He Will Kick Cabernet’s Butt Almost Any Day (’s Most Fabulous Wines For Under $20)
The Riesling Doctor is most certainly IN, and his rates are dirt cheap. So goes the thinking (and tendency towards terrible, terrible puns) behind my contribution to an article titled “12 Most Fabulous Wines To Enjoy Now For Under $20,” coordinated by my friend Marie Payton and published at the popular site last week….
Foley, Food Porn, And A West Coast Wine Geek-out
At the end of July, I wound up at the top of Chalk Hill in Healdsburg. It was one of those events that I should be used to by now but that make me slightly uncomfortable anyway because they a) are held in lavish settings that seem to cost a billion dollars, b) usually end…