The conclusion of the recent 2012 Drink Local Wine Conference in Denver was a “taste-off” competition of sorts in which twenty-plus Colorado wine producers each poured two of their offerings, with the media and attendees voting on which of those offerings were the “best” on hand (technically, one producer wasn’t pouring wine, in terms of…
Category: overachiever wines
Wined Down At The *Real* Mystical Power Of Rosé
Okay, so there are a couple of reasons behind my pronouncement that people ought to be drinking rosé wine all year long and not just during the flowery, blooming, highly-allergenic (I really should have bought stock in a tissue paper company) months of Spring. First is that a good rosé is often one of the…
Young Guns, Part Deux: Porch Wines And Porch Rock With Karl Wente
Standing in between fifth generation Livermore wine producer Karl Wente (who is light, with executive-style, thick brown hair, and built like an NCAA basketball player) and his best friend (who is dark, soft-spoken, and built like an NCAA basketball player) is a bit like what I imagine standing at the bottom of a well might…
Ma(i)n Of La Mancha (Airén It Out With The World’s Most-Planted Grape)
In Spain’s La Mancha winegrowing region, there is a saying (and no, it’s not “Don Quixote slept here,” though that’s a reasonable guess): “Nueve meses de invierno y tres meses de infierno.” Which means, “nine months of Winter, and three months of hell.” This is how the locals describe the climate of La Mancha, where…