A very brief intro. into the 2010 International Malbec Days Festival. As for the event – great intro. to Cahors and its wines; confusing marketing strategy / message; terrible, terrible, terrible organization of events and logistics overall. More to come (on all three fronts)! Cheers!
Category: on the road
Cahors Malbec: Feisty and Powerful, But Is It Marketable?
I’m in Cahors, and it’s one of those thoroughly gorgeously sunny wine country days that at turns make me happy to be alive and secretly, maddeningly spiteful towards those who get to experience this nearly every day. Of course, those turns tend to come after long stints of travel when I’m severely under-caffeinated, so keep…
Baby’s Got Malbec (Heading to the International Malbec Days in Cahors)
If you live in the U.S. (and chances are high that if you’re reading this, you are in the U.S.), then it’s likely that you’ve been drinking some low-priced Malbec wine lately. Don’t take my word for it – for some hard data on Malbec drinking trends in the U.S., you can check out a…
Not Just Riesling Country: The Finger Lakes’ Case for Cool Climate Reds
“They already got themselves a woodchuck today.” Sam Argetsinger was leading a slow but determined downhill walking pace, flanked by his two dogs who had done the woodchuck hunting before we’d arrived. He is stout, and affable, and his wide smile accentuates a face of weathered features. Sam’s vineyard is small, relatively steep, and on…