In what will come as a surprise to no one, has published the companion piece to my Italian White Wine Grapes article, The Grapes Behind Italian Red Wines. That one definitely fits right into the saw-it-coming-from-a-mile-away-bro category. Having said that, I think that the geeky among you will be pleasantly surprised by my grape…
Category: Italian Wine
I Have Hate, But I Still Love (Italian White Wine Grapes For
As I’m recovering from mouth surgery, I am currently into my second consecutive week without a sip of vino. This scenario has created something angry and sinister very deep inside my psyche; the type of thing that is best left in its evil slumber and not forced upon the fragile, gossamer-like veil that separates what…
Wine Review Triple-Play (From Opener to Aerator to Glass)
Because I’m perpetually behind in all aspects of my life, I now find myself spending time that I don’t have perusing productivity websites looking for ways to get time “back.” So far, I’m (at best) breaking even in terms of getting back the time I spend perusing productivity websites. One of the cardinal sins of…
A Tale of Three Oh-Fives
As in, three 2005s, or 3 different wines all from the 2005 vintage. Other than their harvest year, they’ve got little in common apart from the fact that I tasted all three as samples over the last week or so, and in a rare case of vinous serendipity found all three to be excellent (a…