What do you do after you’ve more-or-less totally conquered the R&B/Pop and Jazz worlds, and have become so successful in the music biz that one of your backup bands goes on to become a multi-platinum-record-selling act? In Boz Scaggs’s case, you start up a wine brand. Of course! Many of you…, uhm… younglings reading this…
Category: interviews
Signs Of Life: What It Takes To Make Wines Of True Character (With Matt Powell of Draconis)
What Is The Job Of The Winemaker Today? Simple question, right? “Duh! To make wine!” you might be answering to yourself. What could be more simple than that? But real wine lovers, and real winemakers, know better; they know that almost no other query could be more complicated, opinionated, difficult, thought-provoking, or (hopefully!)invigorating to answer….
1WineDude Radio: MOVI-n’ On Up (Talking Artisanal Chilean Winemaking With MOVI’s Derek Mossman)
During my March jaunt to South America, I spent my birthday at the Santiago home of Derek Mossman, the man behind Chile’s Garage Wine Co. and iconoclastic director of MOVI (Movimiento de Viñateros Independientes, or “Movement of Independent Vintners”). Think of them as the collective vinous mice, who are making tiny amounts of hand-crafted wines…
1WineDude TV Episode 32: Things The Wine Industry Needs To Hear (The Gary Vaynerchuk Interview And Keynote Highlights From #NomWineConf 2011)
In today’s episode, you get highlights from wine personality and social media / business guru Gary Vaynerchuk‘s keynote speech at the synthetic cork producer Nomacorc-sponsored “Marketing to the Next Generation of Wine Consumers” conference that took place in Napa last week (at the beautiful Culinary Institute of America in St. Helena). They are things the…