As many of you already know, I am no friend of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. I suppose that is putting it a bit mildly, since I’ve likened their unconcstitutional state-run wine monopoly to Communism, publicly ridiculed the 40%+ premium that they add to state wine prices (while at the same time limiting selection, reducing…
Category: commentary
Wine Dis-Service
I recently received an e-mail response from a subscriber, in reaction to the previous post Does Wine Taste Better When You’re Dining Out? This response got me thinking about restaurant wine service in general, and it struck a cord in me because it touches on one of my pet peeves about wine service in…
3 Sure-fire Rules for Passing Sobriety Checkpoints
This past Friday, at about 2AM, I was driving back home after a long day, a great Mexican dinner with some foodie friends, and a very fun gig with my band in downtown West Chester. I was stopped about halfway home, on backroads, by a police sobriety checkpoint. Had I been drinking that night? Well……
Does Wine Taste Better When You’re Dining Out? posted a piece today by Bonnie Walker that explores why wine might taste better when you’re out on the town. It’s certainly worth a read if you’ve ever wondered how much of your wine tasting adventures were influenced by your surroundings. Bonnie’s article lists certain tings that finer restaurants are able to do to…