Oooooooooooooohhhhh boy. Seems I can’t go a week these days without getting embroiled in one wine blogging controversy or another. Let’s see… how do I recap this so it’s not mind-numbingly boring for people who came here thinking they might be reading about wine? See, apparently, that’s not what wine bloggers like to do anymore…
Category: commentary
Don’t Feed the Trolls Part Deux: Tales from the Snake-Pit
Remember earlier today, when I said it was “Non-Post Week” here at Ok, so I lied. Well, I didn’t intend to lie, it just, kind of… you know… happened. I’m interrupting (already!) our previously scheduled ‘Non-Post’ week non-event to share with you a link to my buds over at Wine Biz Radio, who were…
Don’t Feed the Trolls: How NOT to Respond to Public Criticism
By now, many of you will already have heard about the controversy surrounding Wine Spectator’s restaurant awards that unfolded into the mainstream media this week. This topic is getting about as visible a media treatment as the wine world ever gets, so I won’t rehash the complete story here. To get us all up to…
Wine Mags that are Worth Reading
Asking me what wine mags to read is sort of like asking me what television shows are worth watching. I access them so infrequently, that I’m in danger of being totally irrelevant in my commentary. But what the hell, it’s never stopped me before! I also get bored easily, so committing to reading an entire…