I was sad to hear of the passing of David Lett last week, at the young age of 69. David wasn’t as much of a household name as Robert Mondavi or Rodney Strong, but he was every bit as influential in putting U.S. wine on the map as his more visible peers. What Mondavi did…
Category: commentary
Has Anyone Ever Told You that You Look Exactly Like… a Drunk? (Dispatch from a Wine Tasting Room)
I’m guessing that most of you out there have probably been to a wine tasting room in a winery before, and went there to sample that winery’s wines. Which means that the same number of you have probably encountered at least one severely drunken patron acting in a totally obnoxious way. Which also means that…
Found in Translation (Wine Tidbits to Kick-off Your Weekend)
OK… I’ve been sitting on a few wine-related tidbits that, taken individually, I probably wouldn’t have written about; but taken together, they seemed kinda fun. The first tidbit comes to us by way of Italian wine website Sommelier.it, and proves that anyone can be wittier than me without actually trying too hard! The folks over…
His Own Legacy: Paul Newman (1925 – 2008)
This is a post about wine. Sort of. Actually, it’s more a celebration of all things Bad-Ass. That’s because we just lost one of the most bad-ass individuals who has ever walked the face of the earth – Paul Newman. Of Newman’s bad-ass status, there can be no doubt. Google “Baddass actors Paul Newman” and…