My friend, fellow wine competition judge, and colleague (sorry, bro!) Michael Cervin recently asked me to offer up a comment or two (I agreed to do so on the record) for a piece he was writing for The Tasting Panel magazine, focusing on how (or if) political leanings impacted the wine business. Michael published a…
Category: commentary
Fumbling The Ball At Goal-line (Thoughts On The 2018 Lancet Alcohol Study)
Recently, an examination of a rather large data set of studies (we’re talking nearly 200 countries, and over 690 pieces of work involving millions of people) was published in Lancet, and most of my alcohol-loving friends just about lost their sh*t. The reason for the theoretical emergency bowel-vacating stemmed from media coverage of one of…
The Times They… Uhm… Have Changed, Actually (’s Top 100 Most Influential People In The US Wine Industry 2018)
Folks, we’re getting old. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full five years since my friend, fellow wine competition judge, all-around decent guy, and prolific author Michael Cervin assembled the last edition of the Top 100 Most Influential People in the US Wine Industry. So much has changed in those ensuing five revolutions…
Naked Wines And The Cult Of “Fake News”
One of the worst aspects of the current state of political “discourse” in the USA is the penchant of leaders in our government towards vocalizing complete and total falsehoods, whenever and however it furthers their individual and/or party agendas, with seemingly little consequence for their actions. Where they deem it necessary, they also repeatedly use…