Looks like the staff over at Mutineer Magazine has given 1WineDude.com a Christmas present and included 1WD in their list of Blogs You Should Be Reading (in December/January Issue #3)! Some of you may recall that I wrote about Mutineer Magazine back in August in my post about Wine Mags that are Worth Reading, in…
Category: commentary
The Art of Tasting Artfully: Taste Wine Like a Pro
I advise you to taste wine like a Pro – a Pro at living, that is. I was reading a nice little article about the Art of Living, by lifehack.org’s Dustin Wax, and it struck me that two of Dustin’s guidelines (“Pay Attention” and “Be Appreciative“) are applicable to wine appreciation as well as being…
Wine Cellar Management: Why It’s Not Worth It
Well, not worth it to me, anyway. But before we get into the concept of wine cellar management and its possible relative worth to you, we need to talk about the related but different topics of Wine Storage and Tasting Notes. These are not the same things as managing your wine cellar. Wine Storage: K.I.S.S….
Holiday Hangover Cures: What Works… and What Doesn’t!
—————————————-Save a Prayer for The Morning After on 12seconds.tv—————————————- It’s that time of year again. The time of year when websites far & wide gather together in solidarity to take part in the time-honored tradition of posting Holiday Hangover cures. And not a moment too soon. If you’re like me, the stress of the holidays,…