If you love wine, you can do something that costs $0.00 and almost certainly will up your wine appreciation and wine tasting I.Q. score varios puntos. Namely, start a wine blog. Right now. It will take you less than ten minutes. Go to wordpress.com and create a blog, and your first post can be as…
Category: commentary
How I Fell Back In Love With Food-And-Wine Pairing (And Why The “Drink Whatever You Want” Mantra Might Be Wrong)
I fell back in love with food-and-wine pairing when I helped a friend (the irrepressible Tony “The Wine Chef” Lawrence) with an outdoor wine / cooking demo sponsored by the Pennsylvania regional chapter of the American Wine Society about two weeks ago (around the same time that the U.S. Congress was simultaneously “working” at raising…
Wake Up, Wine People: Boomers Won’t Be Buying Your Wine Forever
Although the conclusion implied in the title of today’s post probably seems obvious to many (i.e., a company/brand has to eventually court younger customers because older customers will not be able to buy their products forever), it’s worth providing some background (and a pertinent example), because otherwise this post would be really, really short (and…
Is It Time For Wine To Get The Like Button?
We wine geeks review wines in all manner of differing ways. There’s nearly as much variety in those review systems as there are in wine styles. Points. Stars. In my case, grades and badges. And we’re social about it, too – CellarTracker.com is pretty much the world’s largest wine review repository at this point (closing…