Seriously. Stop hating on Pinotage. Why? Because there’s nothing “wrong” with it. I am here today to tell you that Pinotage is not bad; it is simply different. And if you don’t like this oft-maligned but more-oft-misunderstood South African cross between Pinot noir and Cinsaut, that’s your prerogative. Just stop drinking it and shut about…
Category: commentary
You Are The Wine Conversation (What’s A Wine Critic To Do When Everyone Is A Wine Critic?) recently (at least I think it was recently, as their posts for reasons unknown to me aren’t dated) ran an interview with SF Chronicle wine editor Jon Bonné (long-time readers will recall that roughly a year ago I was on a panel about writing better opinion pieces with Jon and the Wall Street Journal’s…
Going Pro: Wrapping Up 14+ Years
As of the end of this week, I’m unemployed! Well, unemployed in the traditional sense, anyway. Those of you who’ve been following along with my (now well-protracted) endeavor to Go Pro in the wine biz are probably (and not without good reason) rolling your eyes and muttering “finally… it’s about time…” It only took me…
Worlds Collide In New Wine-Related Music Vid (And YOU Can Win Some Free Tunes!)
The first thing most people over the age of twenty-five think of when you ask them to name a song about wine is probably UB40’s Red Red Wine, which is ironic because they’re all totally drinking beer in the vid for that tune. In a similarly ironic case of music-meets-wine creative worlds colliding, the band…