During the recent Wine Bloggers Conference in Santa Barbara, I performed one of the more self-serving actions of my entire life (and that’s saying something, right there). During Corbett Barr’s keynote speech, I clapped deliberately and loudly when Barr told the conference-goers that the wine blogging community needs to do more to work together and…
Category: commentary
Come Original (On Negative Reviews, #WBC14, Boring Wine Writing, & Non-Boring Wines)
“A warning to the crews out there who think they’re hot, if you’re not original rockers you will get shot down by the kids neglectin’ your art, the stuff you did, eventually it get so bad puts you to bed ’cause when the lightning flashes sweet electricity, all the world then stands revealed with the…
Not Seeing Bottom Line Impact From Wine Social Media Efforts? Then You’re Using It Incorrectly!
Disappointed that your wine sales aren’t seeing an impact from your social media efforts? Then this study of the social media impacts experienced by nearly 400 U.S. wineries strongly suggests that you are approaching social media incorrectly. Which will come as a surprise to exactly.no-one who reads this big regularly. http://www.winebusiness.com/news/?go=getArticle&dataid=135492 A quick quote: “The…
How Bad Is The Wine Biz At Digital? According To This, Really, Really Bad.
My friend Paul Mabray, of Vintank, recently gave a speech at the 2014 Wine Communicators of Australia event. The topic was, roughly speaking, the digital divide in the wine world. You can read a transcript of the entire talk given by Paul here. And if you’re in the wine biz, you really, really need to…