One of the staples of my recent speaking gigs to wine marketing types has been that wine, having achieved extraordinary success in the USA in recent years, are now a big target. A small example: During a speaking gig at Taste Washington, I remember seeing the beer brand stands at the event and laughing to…
Category: commentary
Wine Blogging Is Dead! Again! Long Live Wine Blogging!
Tom Wark recently asked me to chime in for an article he was considering for his blog, on the topic of whether or not interest in wine blogs was waning. I offered my views, some of which are quoted in his thoughtfully-considered piece. As to whether or not I agree with Tom (my bad –…
Don’t Yet Weep For Vinous Humanity (’s Top 100 Wines 2015)
Hey, speaking of popularity contests… Another top-100 list was recently published, only in this case it’s (thankfully) not about wine blogs, but about wine sales:’s annual Top 100 wines, chosen strictly by sales numbers (as they put it, “While many publications rank wines based on the opinions of their wine critics, we wanted our…
OK, Everyone, Remain Calm And Have Another Sip (Wine Website Ranking Madness)
Ok, everyone… calm down. Pour another glass of something nice. Have a sip. Relaaaaax. Feeel zeee tension leeeaaaving your body… Every once in a while, we get a roundup/list/ranking of wine websites, and then oscillate between being happy for some of the sites on the list, and getting bent out of shape about the ones…