As New Year’s Eve approaches, we are greeted with the familiar sights of fireworks, the sounds of annoying Vuvuzela-like party favors, and the coming of cheesy year-end recap. posts! So today, we’re not ranking wines, but articles. I had fun pulling together the 2009 recap. of the most-commented posts on, so I thought I’d…
Category: about 1winedude blog
Black Friday Wine Picks (Wine Crush Blog)
Greetings, oh-so-recently-stuffed-to-the-gills gourmands! Rather than hand out badges and ratings this long holiday weekend, I am taking a slightly different angle on the wine recommendations in honor of the most-dreaded of post-holiday excursions: shopping on Black Friday. Today, you can head over to The Wine Crush Blog anytime after 9:30 AM CT and read my…
Yes, I Went All Cartoon On You (New Digs at 1WD)
What can I say, the ladies dig cartoon versions of bloggers, okay? In all seriousness, I wanted a cleaner, more open, more inviting, bit more up-to-date and, dare-I-say professional design for, and the result is what you see before you. Unless you’re reading via your RSS reader in which case I have a special…
Going Pro: How To Taste and Rate Wines for Today’s Consumers. Sort of.
Welcome to the first installment of Going Pro – what (I hope!) will be a (very) long series chronicling my foray into making whatever-the-hell-it-is that I do here a professional (read: paying) endeavor. Every Wednesday on, I’ll be writing about some aspect / story / triumph / tragedy related to taking my passion –…