In the words of the wise and eloquent bard Homer Simpson, “DOH!” Seems that is having some serious trouble this week. It’s possible that many of you have been getting very slow response times from the blog, having it time-out, or are receiving errors. It’s not you, it’s most definitely us. I do know…
Category: about 1winedude blog
1WineDude in the Media (or “Not a WBC Recap”)
Give an attention whore a chance to make an idiot out of himself… and the results speak for themselves. At least, that’s what I learned about myself this past week at the 2nd annual American Wine Bloggers Conference. You’re probably expecting some sort of WBC recap, but I’m saving that (more or less) for 1WineDude…
TTL & 1WineDude Make Yahoo! Tech News
The most recent Twitter Taste Live! event, featuring wines from St. Supery and drawing over 700 twitter updates from event participants, was featured this week on Yahoo!.TECH! Fellow wine bloggers Natalie MacLean, SwirlGirls, and yours truly were also mentioned! What I liked most about the article was this tidbit, which shows that the author was…
“Some people spit…. I don’t…” (Revisiting Boston’s Wine Riot!)
“Some people spit…. I don’t…” Words that will, no doubt, come to define my on-line “brand”… and come back to haunt me… (Epitaph: “Didn’t Spit” ?). French Oak Media has posted their video coverage of Boston’s recent Wine Riot! event, which frequent readers will recall was taken over for the multi-country / multi-timezone /…