A strange thing happened to me recently. Actually, it happened to 1WineDude.com, not to me. And yes, I mean stranger than the normal level if strange on this blog. I agreed to contribute content to a platform that I can’t really access and probably won’t use. Specifically, I’ve let Hello Vino, the popular wine recommendation…
Category: about 1winedude blog
Vote Dude (Maybe) In the 2010 Wine Blog Awards – But At Least Just Vote
OK, so there’s this Wine Blog Awards thing going on right now. Maybe you’ve heard of it? I’m honored that 1WineDude.com has been included as a finalist by the eleven secret judges – supposedly secret so that we couldn’t bribe them I guess, but then that’s illogical since by definition we wine bloggers don’t make…
1WineDoody Time at the House of Hosemaster
Just a very quick tidbit today, to point you over to the house of the venerable king of wine blogging satirical musings, the HoseMaster of Wine (a.k.a. comedian and former sommelier Ron Washam) where last week 1WD was masterfully roasted in effigy. Consider me as charred as the inside of a heavily toasted American oak…
My New Year’s Resolutions (What’s Coming Up on 1WD)
Yeah. I know. I’m late. Whatever – I’ve got a two-year-old daughter. At least I’m actually getting around to it, right? I’ve got a simple resolution for 2010, actually, when it comes to 1WineDude.com, anyway: Make 1WineDude.com “more betterer!” The devil’s squarely in the details, of course, but the bottom line is that wine blogs,…