Just in time for the not-so-Super-Superbowl (or any party occasion during these last few brink winter weeks), Jason Whiteside, my partner in crime over at 2WineDudes, has written a great article about soul-warming big red wines that are perfect for staving off the nasty chill of Winter, for the current issue of Philly’s Main Line…
Author: 1WineDude
Weekly Wine Web Wrap-up – Groundhog’s Day Edition
Welcome to the first edition of the Weekly Wine Web Wrap-up (W4..?), where Dude shares some of his favorite wine news bites from the past week (Dude spends too much a goodly amount of time trolling the ‘net for interesting wine tidbits)! Giant Wine Glasses Invade Britain In this article from the International Herald Tribune,…
Wine Book Club 1st Edition, and Tasteless Exploitation of Naomi Watts
OK, so Dude is waaaaaaaaaaaaay late in giving this event props and publicity blogging love… But in the case of love, later is always better than never (that’s what I always say anyway – and I come from a fine, distinguished, and long line of justifiers!). The on-line Wine Book Club has been launched earlier…
Making Sense of “Wine 2.0” (Power to the People!)
Wine 2.0 Whenever I’m asked about Wine 2.0, the conversation usually goes something like this: “Hey Dude – what exactly is Wine 2.0 anyways? Is that, like, some future technology where wine will get instantly zapped into my glass, like on Star Trek? ‘Cause that would, like, seriously rule.” Uh… not quite. I’ve found this…