Here are a few things that I learned during our 2021 Thanksgiving holiday celebrations and libations: It’s always best to have both of your kids around, and I was thankful and lucky enough that both of my daughters were at home when we broke bread over the holiday. I’m predictable (this will become more obvious…
Author: 1WineDude
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up for December 6, 2021
2018 Cantina Vignaioli Elvio Pertinace ‘Pertinace’ (Barbaresco): Perky above all! Grab some Bolognese and let the happiness commence. $36 B+ 2018 OG de Negoce N. 82 Meritage (Walla Walla Valley): A deep, dark, expertly structured bargain worth bragging about. $29 A- 2018 OG de Negoce N. 48 Pinot Noir (Russian River Valley): A river of…
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up for November 29, 2021
2020 Conte Brandolini d’Adda Vistorta Friulano (Friuli-Venezia Giulia): Heady, floral, lemony, and a bit eccentric. $13 B- 2017 Cantina Vignaioli Elvio Pertinace ‘Pertinace’ (Barbaresco): Classically structured, with coffee, tobacco, tart red fruits, and a long-a** finish! $52 A- 2017 Hic et Nunc Barbera del Monferrato Superiore ‘Monumento’ (Monferrato): Big, bold, bountiful, and beautifully tangy. $NA…
Thanksgiving Wine Pairing Advice, Blah Blah Blah
Hey folks – considering that this is a holiday week here in the USA, and considering that it happens to be Dude’s personal favorite holiday (Thanksgiving), and considering that I still consider myself on paternity leave… This post is a short one, and really just an excuse to share a fairly recent baby picure, BUT……