(image: deviantart.com & leinz.co.uk – seriously edited by Dude) The follow excerpt is taken from an newly unearthed document, titled “The PLCB Manifesto” found unearthed under an old shed during a septic tank excavation in the outskirts of the PA state capital of Harrisburg. Or maybe not. A spectre is haunting Pennsylvania — the spectre…
Author: 1WineDude
Weekly Wine Web Wrap-up: The “Hey, What Happened To Last Week’s Edition?” Edition
(images: toyarchive.com) Alright, alright, alright – so it’s been a rough week, and rougher weekend, and Dude ended up totally missing last weeks’ edition of W4. Maybe he had one too many brewskis. And maybe made some bad decisions at the bar while jammin’ with his band homies. Let’s just agree to get over this…
3 Ways to Increase Your Wine Appreciation Without Drinking
(images: allposters.com, paddlinginstructor.com, 4hisglory.wordpress.com, dogchannel.com) Let’s face it. There are just some situations where our favorite pastime – drinking the vino – just isn’t appropriate. Religious retreats, Amish barn-raisings, and Rehab all come to mind. Think that because you can’t imbibe the vino, you’re missing out on opportunities to up your Wine IQ? Wrong, Jack!…
WBW #43: Dude’s Comfort Wine (or How I Survived My Brother’s Heart Surgery)
For Wine Blogging Wednesday #43 (this round hosted over at the fine WineLifeToday blog), we’ve been asked to review a “Comfort Wine” – and to explain why, like a good comfort food, this wine evokes some special, relaxing, or good-ol’-down-home feeling for us. First, let’s start with my comfort wine. Then I’ll lay the story…