Fellow CSW and SWE member Kathleen Lisson has posted an interesting article about wine pairings. Only this is a pairing not of wine & food, but of wine & music. Being two of my favorite topics, Kathleen asked me to contribute to her article. You can read the full post at this link. Kathleen as…
Author: 1WineDude
Wine Appreciation and Alcohol Abuse: How to Avoid Personal Disaster
(images: brainboomer.com, jamieq.blogspot.com) I work in two professions – Wine Consulting and Playing Rock Music – that pretty much guarantee that I am in close proximity to alcohol (and its potential abuse) a good portion of the time. I love to drink. Specifically, I love to savor excellent wine (and beer), and admire the nuances,…
Wine Blogging Wednesday #43 – Wrap-Up
Hey everyone – the wrap-up of articles for Wine Blogging Wednesday #43 has been posted over at the Wine Life Today blog. Check it out – the wine bloggers involved wrote some great stories and reviews for this WBW. The topic this time around was “comfort wines” and Joel over at WLT has done a…
Announcing "Tales of the Purple Monkey!"
Inspired in part by El Bloggo Torcido’s Take Your Rubber Chicken to Work Day, as well as Jill’s plans to introduce a plush toy version of her wine bottle mascot at domaine547 – and, to be more honest, to give myself an excuse to play with my baby daughter’s plush toys – I give you…